Travel, Art & Architecture

Top 10 Coldest Countries in the World


Why don’t you spend at least two days and one night in Mongolia, where the temperature can drop to minus 20 degrees? When planning your trip to Mongolia, it’s important to pack fluffy and warm clothes.


Next on the list is Estonia, one of the coldest countries in the world. This country has the coldest climate with bad winters. Generate snowballs. So if you come here, pack some comfortable clothes that will protect you from the cold.


Like Mongolia, the temperature in Finland does not drop below -20°C. Besides the snow, strong winds make the country even colder.


Remember when your geography teacher said  Iceland is a little warmer than Greenland? Well, that’s partly true. Still, don’t underestimate Iceland’s ability to bring temperatures down to zero. If we were you, we would bring the most comfortable and fluffy clothes we have for our trip to Iceland.

United States of America

A visit to Colorado and the rest of the Northeastern United States will give you the true definition of ‘cold’. Some states in England such as New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut are some of the coldest places you can visit.


Temperatures in Canada can drop to minus 40 degrees. As such, it is considered one of the coldest countries in the world.


Greenland Iceland does not have a summer season. This is a country that does not stand for its name. Instead of green, the land became ice-white.


Another cold country is Russia. Compared to Greenland, Russians celebrate summer. However, keep in mind that even in this hot weather, the temperature is high, so you will need to carry a lot of clothes.


  Kazakhstan also makes you feel the coldest. Visiting high-altitude cities in Kazakhstan can be freezing in the cold.


  Antarctica isn’t technically listed as a country, but there’s no doubt why Antarctica is considered the coldest place on earth. When you’re here, three to five layers of clothing aren’t enough to protect you from the cold when the temperature drops to its lowest point.

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